The Blog

  • October 5, 2009
  • TrendsMap for Twitter, cool and very new

    File this under cool and new.  TrendsMap is a new service that shows you what the hot twitter topics are globally.  Check it out.  They have a world map on a screed over laid with twitter tags.  Click on a tag and you can follow a thread in a geography.  Today there is a thread going on Adobe on both coasts and several about the Nobel Prize for medicine.  There are many other tags about more mundane things as well as many in Europe and Asia that I can’t pronounce.  Interestingly, this mapping also provides a good indication of where twitter is most used.  No surprise, it follows the population in a “U” shaped curve around the perimeter of the US.  Intermountain states not so much.

    Published: 15 years ago

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